pydnn.neuralnet module


NN is the workhorse of pydnn. Using an instance of NN the user defines the network, trains the network and uses the network for inference. NN takes care of the bookkeeping and wires the layers together, calculating any intermediate configuration necessary for doing so without user input. See the section on NN for more details.

Learning rules define how the network updates weights based on the gradients calculated during training. Learning rules are passed to NN objects when calling NN.train() to train the network. Momentum and Adam are good default choices. See Learning Rules (Optimization Methods) for more details.

All the learning rules defined in this package depend in part on a global learning rate that effects how all parameters are updated on training passes. It is frequently beneficial to anneal the learning rate over the course of training and different approaches to annealing can result in substantially different convergence losses and times. Different approaches to annealing can be achieved by using one of the various learning rate annealing objects which are passed to LearningRule objects during instantiation. LearningRateDecay is a good default choice. See Learning Rate Annealing for more details.

A variety of activation functions, or nonlinearities, can be applied to layers. relu() is the most common, however PReLULayer has recently been reported to achieve state of the art results. See Activation Functions (Nonlinearities) for more details.

Finally there are a few utilities for saving and reloading trained networks and for estimating the size and training time for networks before training. See Utility Functions for more details.

The main class: NN

class pydnn.neuralnet.NN(preprocessor, channel, num_classes, batch_size, rng, activation=<function relu at 0x7f4d1c7f7848>, name='net', output_dir='')

a neural network to which you can add layers and subsequently train on data

  • preprocessor – a preprocessor for the data provides all the training, validation and test data to NN during training
  • channel (string) – the initial channel to request from the preprocessor for the main layer pathway
  • num_classes (int) – the number of classes
  • batch_size (int) – the number of observations in a batch
  • rng – random number generator
  • activation – the default activation function to be used when no activation function is explicitly provided
  • name (string) – a name to use as a stem for saving network parameters during training
  • output_dir (string) – the directory in which to save network parameters during training

Networks are constructed by calling the add_*() methods in sequence to add processing layers. For example:

net.add_convolution(72, (7, 7), (2, 2))
net.add_convolution(128, (5, 5), (2, 2))
net.add_convolution(128, (3, 3), (2, 2))

The above creates a network with three convolutional layers with 72, 128 and 128 filter maps respectively, two hidden layers, each with 3072 units, dropout with a rate of 0.5 between each main layer and batch normalization (by default on each main layer).

There are a few convenience add_*() methods which are just combinations of other add methods: add_convolution(), add_mlp() and add_hidden().

There are a few methods for creating different processing pathways that can split from and rejoin the main network. For example:

net.add_convolution(72, (7, 7), (2, 2))
net.add_convolution(128, (5, 5), (2, 2))

Here a new data channel called ‘shapes’ was merged after the convolution. ‘shapes’ is a channel provided by the preprocessor with the original image sizes. (This can be useful where image sizes vary in meaningful ways; since that information is lost when uniformly resizing images to be fed into the neural network, it can be recovered by feeding in the size information separately after convolutions.) In addition to simply merging a new data channel, it is also possible to split off a new pathway, apply transformations to it, and merge it back to the main pathway with split_pathways(), merge_pathways(), new_pathway().

Once a neural network architecture has been built up, the network can be trained with train(). After training, inference can be done with predict(), and confusion matrices can be generated with get_confusion_matrices() to examine the kinds of errors the network is making.


Creates a new pathway starting from a data channel. (After adding layers specific to this pathway, if any, the new pathway must subsequently be merged with main pathway using merge_pathways().)

Parameters:channel (string) – name of the channel as output from preprocessor
Returns:NN to which layers can be separately added

Splits pathways off from the NN object. Split pathways can have different sequences of layers added and then be remerged using merge_pathways().

Parameters:num (int) – number of new pathways to split off from the original pathway. If num is None then split just one new pathway.
Returns:If num is not None, returns a list of the new pathways (not including the original pathway); otherwise returns a single new pathway.

NOTE: NN.params list is not copied when splitting pathways, meaning that when any pathway adds a layer, the params for that layer are added to the params of all pathways (since there is only one params list). Normally, this will not cause a problem, however, if a pathway is split but not merged back in to the trunk (and far as I can think of there is no reason to do this) then updates will be generated for parameters that are not in the computation graph and theano will probably throw and exception. If we consider it an error to split pathways without eventually remerging them, then this is not a problem.


Merge pathways.

Parameters:pathways – pathways to merge. pathways can be a single pathway or a list of pathways

Creates a new pathway for processing channel data and merges it without adding any pathway specific layers.

Parameters:channel (string) – name of the channel as output from preprocessor
add_conv_pool(num_filters, filter_shape, pool_shape, pool_stride=None, weight_init=None, use_bias=True)

Adds a convolution and max pooling layer to the network (without a nonlinearity or batch normalization; if those are desired they can be added separately, or the convenience method add_convolution() can be used).

  • num_filters (int) – number of filter maps to create
  • filter_shape (tuple) – two dimensional shape of filters
  • pool_shape (tuple) – two dimensional shape of pools
  • pool_stride (tuple) – distance between pool starting points; if this is less than pool_shape then pools will be overlapping
  • weight_init – activation function that will be applied to for the purposes of initializing weights (this method will not apply the activation function; it must be added separately as a layer). One of relu(), tanh(), sigmoid(), or prelu()
  • use_bias (bool) – True for bias, False for no bias. No bias should be used when batch normalization layer will be processing the output of this layer (e.g. when add_batch_normalization() is called next).
add_convolution(num_filters, filter_shape, pool_shape, pool_stride=None, activation=None, batch_normalize=True)

Adds a convolution, pooling layer and nonlinearity to the network (with the option of a batch normalization layer).

  • num_filters (int) – number of filter maps to create
  • filter_shape (tuple) – two dimensional shape of filters
  • pool_shape (tuple) – two dimensional shape of pools
  • pool_stride (tuple) – distance between pool starting points; if this is less than pool_shape then pools will be overlapping
  • activation – activation function to be applied to pool output. (One of relu(), tanh(), sigmoid(), or prelu())
  • batch_normalize (bool) – True for batch normalization, False for no batch normalization.
add_fully_connected(num_units, weight_init, use_bias)

Add a layer that does a matrix multiply and addition of biases. (No nonlinearity is applied in this layer because when batch normalization is applied it must come between the matrix multiply and the nonlinearity. A nonlinearity can be applied either by using the add_hidden() convenience method instead of this one or by subsequently calling add_nonlinearity().)

  • num_units (int) – number of neurons in the fully connected layer
  • weight_init – activation function that will be applied after the fully connected layer (used to determine a weight initialization scheme–one of relu(), tanh(), sigmoid(), or prelu())
  • use_bias (bool) – True to use bias; False not to. (When using batch normalization, bias is redundant and thus should not be used.)
add_hidden(num_units, activation=None, batch_normalize=True)

Add a hidden layer consisting of a fully connected layer, a nonlinearity layer, and optionally a batch normalization layer. (The equivalent of calling add_fully_connected(), add_batch_normalization(), and add_nonlinearity() in sequence.)

  • num_units (int) – number of neurons in the hidden layer
  • activation – activation function to be applied
  • batch_normalize (bool) – True for batch normalization, False for no batch normalization.

Add a layer which applies a nonlinearity to its inputs.

Parameters:nonlinearity – the activation function to be applied. (One of relu(), tanh(), sigmoid(), or prelu())

Add a dropout layer.

See the dropout paper.

Randomly mask inputs with zeros with frequency rate while training, and scales inputs by 1.0 - rate when not training so that aggregate signal sent to next layer will be roughly the same during training and inference.

Parameters:rate (float) – rate at which to randomly zero out inputs

Add a batch normalization layer

See the batch normalization paper


Add a logistic classifier (should be the final layer).

add_mlp(num_hidden_units, activation=None)

A convenience function for adding a hidden layer and logistic regression layer at the same time. (Mostly here to mirror tutorial.)

  • num_hidden_units (int) – number of hidden units
  • activation – activation function to be applied to hidden layer output. (One of relu(), tanh(), sigmoid(), or prelu())
train(updater, epochs=200, final_epochs=0, l1_reg=0, l2_reg=0)

Train the model

  • updater – the learning rule; one of StochasticGradientDescent, Adam, AdaDelta, or Momentum
  • epochs (int) – the number of epochs to train for
  • final_epochs (int) – the number of final epochs to train for. (Final epochs are epochs where the validation and test data are folded into the training data for a little boost in the size of the dataset.)
  • l1_reg (float) – l1 regularization penalty
  • l2_reg (float) – l2 regularization penalty

Predict classes for input data.

Parameters:data (ndarray) – data to be processed in order to make prediction
Returns:(list of predicted class indexes for each inference observation, list of assessed probabilities for each class possibility for each inference observation)
make_confusion_matrix(data, classes, files)

Make a confusion matrix given input data and correct class designations

  • data (ndarray) – the data for which classes are predicted
  • classes (ndarray) – the correct classes to be compared with the predictions
  • files – an id/index for each observation to facilitate connecting them back up to filenames

(confusion matrix, list of mistakes (file_index, actual, pred))


Run make_confusion_matrix() on training, validation and test data and return list of results.

Returns:list of confusion matrices for training, validation, and test data

Learning Rules (Optimization Methods)

class pydnn.neuralnet.LearningRule(learning_rate)

Base class for learning rules: StochasticGradientDescent, Adam, AdaDelta, Momentum.

Parameters:learning_rate – either a float (if using a constant learning rate) or a LearningRateAdjuster (if using a learning rate that is adjusted during training)
class pydnn.neuralnet.StochasticGradientDescent(learning_rate)

Learn by stochastic gradient descent

class pydnn.neuralnet.Momentum(initial_momentum, max_momentum, learning_rate)

Learn by SGD with momentum.

  • initial_momentum (float) – trainings starts with this momentum
  • max_momentum (float) – momentum is gradually increased until it reaches max_momentum
class pydnn.neuralnet.Adam(learning_rate, b1=0.9, b2=0.999, e=1e-08, lmbda=0.99999999)

Learn by the Adam optimization method

Parameters are as specified in the paper above.

class pydnn.neuralnet.AdaDelta(rho, epsilon, learning_rate)

Learn by the AdaDelta optimization method

Parameters are as specified in the paper above.

Learning Rate Annealing

class pydnn.neuralnet.LearningRateAdjuster(initial_learn_rate)

Base class for learning rate annealing: LearningRateDecay, LearningRateSchedule, and WackyLearningRateAnnealer.

Parameters:initial_learn_rate (float) – the learning rate to start with on the first epoch
class pydnn.neuralnet.LearningRateDecay(learning_rate, decay, min_learning_rate=None)

Decreases learning rate after each epoch according to formula: new_rate = initial_rate / (1 + epoch * decay)

  • learning_rate (float) – the initial learning rate
  • decay (float) – the decay factor
  • min_learning_rate (float) – the smallest learning_rate to which decay is applied; when learning_rate reaches min_learning_rate decay stops.
class pydnn.neuralnet.LearningRateSchedule(schedule)

Sets the learning rate according to the given schedule.

Parameters:schedule (tuple) – list of pairs of epoch number and new learning rate. For example, ((0, .1), (200, .01), (300, .001)) starts with a learning rate of .1, changes to a learning rate of .01 at epoch 200, and .001 at epoch 300.
class pydnn.neuralnet.WackyLearningRateAnnealer(learning_rate, min_learning_rate, patience=40, train_improvement_threshold=0.995, valid_improvement_threshold=0.99995, reset_on_decay=None)

Decreases learning rate by factor of 10 after patience is depleted. Patience can be replenished by sufficient improvement in either training or validation loss. Parameters of the network can optionally be reset to the parameters corresponding to the best training loss or to the best validation loss.

  • learning_rate (float) – the initial learning rate
  • min_learning_rate (float) – training stops upon reaching the min_learning_rate
  • patience (int) – the number of epochs to train without sufficient improvement in training or validation loss before dropping the learning rate
  • train_improvement_threshold (float) – how much training loss must improve over previous best training loss to trigger a reset of patience (if training_loss < best_training_loss * train_improvement_threshold then patience is reset)
  • valid_improvement_threshold (float) – how much validation loss must improve over previous best validation loss to trigger a reset of patience (if validation_loss < best_validation_loss * valid_improvement_threshold then patience is reset)
  • reset_on_decay (string) – one of ‘training’, ‘validation’ or None; if ‘training’ or ‘validation’ then on learning rate decay network will be reset to the parameter values that correspond to the best training or validation scores.

Activation Functions (Nonlinearities)


Used to create a rectified linear activation layer. The user does not use this directly, but instead passes the function as the activation or weight_init argument to NN either when creating it or adding certain kinds of layers.

Parameters:x (float) – input to the rectified linear unit
Returns:0 if x < 0, otherwise x
Return type:float

Used to create a parametric rectified linear activation layer.

Parametric Rectified Linear Units:

The user does not use this directly, but instead passes the function as the activation or weight_init argument to NN either when creating it or adding certain kinds of layers. (This is just a dummy function provided for API consistency with relu(), tanh() and sigmoid(). Unlike those functions it doesn’t actually do anything, but merely signals add_nonlinearity() to add a parametric rectified nonlinearity)

Note: Don’t use l1/l2 regularization with PReLU. From the paper: “It is worth noticing that we do not use weight decay (l2 regularization) when updating a_i. A weight decay tends to push a_i to zero, and thus biases PReLU toward ReLU.”


Used symbolic logistic activation layer. The user does not use this directly, but instead passes the function as the activation or weight_init argument to NN either when creating it or adding certain kinds of layers.

Parameters:x (float) – input to the sigmoid unit
Returns:symbolic logistic function of x
Return type:float

Used to create a hyperbolic tangent activation layer. The user does not use this directly, but instead passes the function as the activation or weight_init argument to NN either when creating it or adding certain kinds of layers.

Parameters:x (float) – input to the hyperbolic tangent unit
Returns:symbolic hyperbolic tangent function of x
Return type:float

Utility Functions, filename=None)

save a NN object to file

  • nn – the NN to be saved
  • filename (string) – the path/filename to save to

the filename


load a NN object from file

Parameters:filename (string) – the path/filename to load from
Returns:the NN object loaded
pydnn.neuralnet.net_size(root, layers)

A simple utility to calculate the computational size of the network and give a very rough estimate of how long it will take to train. (Ignoring the cost of the activation function, batch_normalization, prelu parameters, and a zillion other things.)

  • root (tuple) – image shape (channels, height, width)
  • layers (tuple) – list of layers where each layer is either a conv layer specification or a fully connected layer specification. E.g.: (‘conv’, {‘filter’: (192, 3, 3), ‘pool’: (3, 3), ‘pool_stride’: (2, 2)}), or (‘full’, {‘num’: 3072})